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RUMPF, LORENZ (2008): Bucolic nomina in Virgil and Theocritus: On the Poetic Technique of Virgil's Eclogues. In: KATHARINA VOLK (Hrsg.) Vergil"s Eclogues New York: Oxford University Press, S. 64–78.  
Added by: Manuel Franzmann (23/06/2011, 10:00)   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann (15/02/2013, 22:31)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780199202942
BibTeX citation key: Rumpf2008
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Categories: English, General
Keywords: Philologie, Theokrit, Vergil
Creators: Rumpf, Volk
Publisher: Oxford University Press (New York)
Collection: Vergil"s Eclogues
Views: 20/2909
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