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JANSEN, AXEL (2007): The Scientific Profession's Role in National Consolidation. Alexander Dallas Bache's Motives for the 1863 Founding of the National Academy of Sciences. In: sozialer sinn. Zeitschrift für hermeneutische Sozialforschung Jg. 2007, Heft 2, S. 333–356   
Added by: Manuel Franzmann   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann 02/08/2013, 17:21
JANSEN, AXEL (2011): Alexander Dallas Bache: Building the American Nation through Science and Education in the Nineteenth Century. Frankfurt und New York: Campus. ... Dallas+Bache.97026.html   
Added by: Manuel Franzmann   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann 15/02/2013, 22:28
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 851 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: AGOH-Format
AG Objektive Hermeneutik e.V.