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FRANZMANN, MANUEL (2016): From "Atheism" to "Religious Indifference": Suggestions for Future Research on Secularization [Preprint]. In: Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion Jg. 7 S. 12. 
Added by: Manuel Franzmann (25/12/2019, 17:35)   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann (25/12/2019, 17:37)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1877-5233
BibTeX citation key: Franzmann2016a
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Categories: Download, English, General
Keywords: Fallanalysen, Glaubensvorstellungen, Lebensführung, Nicht-Religiosität, Objektive Hermeneutik, Religiöse Indifferenz, religiöser Wandel, Säkularität
Creators: Franzmann
Collection: Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion
Views: 25/1380
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