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BECKER-LENZ, ROLAND & SILKE MÜLLER (2009): The Development of Professional Competencies in the Social Work Degree Course: Findings from a study. In: Journal of Social Work Practice Jg. 23, Heft 2, S. 175–184 
Added by: Manuel Franzmann (11/08/2013, 14:48)   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann (11/08/2013, 14:50)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: BeckerLenz2009b
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Categories: English, General
Keywords: Professionalisierung, Sozialarbeit, Soziale Arbeit
Creators: Becker-Lenz, Müller
Collection: Journal of Social Work Practice
Views: 29/3181
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