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OEVERMANN, ULRICH (1969): Role structure of the family and its implications for the cognitive development of children. In: MATHIAS ADRIANUS JOANNES MARIA MATTHIJSSEN & C.E. VERVOORT (Hrsg.) Education in Europe. Sociological Research The Hague: Mouton, S. 103–122.  
Added by: Manuel Franzmann (26/01/2009, 13:53)   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann (15/02/2013, 22:31)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Oevermann1969
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Categories: English, General, Oevermann
Keywords: Familiensoziologie, Familientheorie, Rolle, Rollen, Rollenhandeln, Rollenstruktur, Rollentheorie, Sozialisation, Sozialisationstheorie
Creators: Matthijssen, Oevermann, Vervoort
Publisher: Mouton (The Hague)
Collection: Education in Europe. Sociological Research
Views: 16/3322
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