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MANN, STEFAN (2007): Understanding farm succession by the objective hermeneutics method. In: Sociologia Ruralis Jg. 47, Heft 4, S. 369–383 
Added by: Manuel Franzmann (8/12/10, 5:30 PM)   Last edited by: Manuel Franzmann (7/25/16, 10:47 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Mann2007
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Categories: English, General
Keywords: Biographieforschung
Creators: Mann
Collection: Sociologia Ruralis
Views: 7/3541
While farm succession has been well explored using quantitative data, we use the qualitative, case-oriented method of objective hermeneutics to explore important issues in succession processes. Objective hermeneutics makes use of short text sequences from interviews, exploiting the relationship between societal norms and the constitutive rules resulting from personal biographies. A case study including an intra-family succession, an almost-failed succession and an inter-family succession is analysed with reference to three sequences from an interview. It is shown that hierarchy plays a big role in succession processes within the family. Another result is the emotional turmoil that can result from a failed succession.
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